Proposition for LMS Integration for Share, Exchange, and Spread of Online Lectures under Covid-19 Environment

Won Ho - Div. of Electrical, electronics, and control Eng., Kongju National Univ., 56 Gongjudaehak-ro, Gongju, South Korea
Nguyen-Khang Pham - College of Information and communication technology, Can Tho University, 3/2 street, Can Tho, Viet Nam
Dae-Hyun Lee - Intube, Seongsui-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, 04781, South Korea
Yong Kim - Dept. Of e-learning, Graduate School, Korea National Open Univ., 86 Daehak-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea

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There has been a movement to share and spread online lectures through OCW and MOOC systems. This movement would have been spread widely and adopted widely if those courses could be easily exchangeable with other platforms or services. If this function is available, learning activities, resources, learning outcomes can be accessed between different platforms and services. With this function, the credit exchange between different platforms or services will be easier. It also facilitates course sharing and circulation. Because the LMS is the basic platform for online classes, providing sharable and reusable learning activities, resources, and learning outcomes across the different LMSs is very demanding for online education. Analyzing LMS use in Korean universities, Moodle, Canvas, and domestic LMSs are founded to be the significant three kinds that are widely used in Korea. In this paper, a method of integrating Moodle, Canvas, and domestic LMS services is proposed. A central Moodle server is installed as the main LMS server, and the method to connect or complement with a central Moodle server is proposed for each different kind of LMS. LMS users can easily access a different kind of LMS as a form of imported course, tightly connected service, or log in as SSO. This proposition can be applied to various service fields such as KMOOC, KOCW, credit exchange, lecture exchange between universities, regional unification of online educational centers as a practical problem-solver.


LMS; LTI; Moodle; network; canvas.

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