Grey Level Differences Matrix for Alcoholic EEG Signal Classification

Bandiyah Sri Aprillia - Telkom University, Terusan Buah Batu, Bandung 40257, Indonesia
Achmad Rizal - Telkom University, Terusan Buah Batu, Bandung 40257, Indonesia
Muhammad Arik Geraldy Fauzi - Telkom University, Terusan Buah Batu, Bandung 40257, Indonesia

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Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals can provide information on abnormalities in a person's brain and characterize brain activity. Brain injury or diseases can manifest as brain disorders. Trauma or the use of specific chemicals or medications, such as alcohol, can result in brain damage. Previous research has demonstrated variations in the patterns of EEG signals between alcohol-using and non-drinking people. Various techniques, including wavelet and entropy, have been developed to detect alcoholic EEG using event-related potential (ERP) testing. This work proposes a feature extraction technique based on texture analysis for the classification of alcohol EEG signals because ERP-measured EEG often involves many channels.  An NxM image is thought to be equivalent to an EEG signal with N channels and a recording duration of M samples. The NxM matrix is formed by channelizing the N-channel EEG signal in this investigation. Normalization is then used to get a matrix value of 0-255 or an 8-bit image in the following step. Five features are measured in four directions, and the Grey Level Difference Matrix (GLDM) approach is utilized for feature extraction. Using five grey-level difference matrix (GLDM) features and linear discriminant analysis as a classifier, the maximum accuracy was achieved at 73.3%. Image processing can still be used to increase accuracy even though the final product is less accurate than the earlier technique. The suggested approach can still be adjusted to work with biomedical signals or image processing techniques like the Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM).


Electroencephalogram; alcoholic; grey-level difference matrix; classifier

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