Coordination of The Apprenticeship Industrial Program with The Siakama Application
This research aims to examine the implementation of the SIAKAMA application in the Apprenticeship Industrial Program. This program was created as a SIAKAMA application to overcome hurdles during the monitoring and evaluation stages. At the monitoring stage, supervising lecturers and field supervisors can use the SIAKAMA application to monitor all Apprenticeship Industrial program student activities in the field, resulting in a good and smooth communication and coordination system. At the evaluation stage, the supervising lecturer and field supervisors in the SIAKAMA application can conduct assessments based on student activities in the field, including daily evaluations and final assessments after the Apprenticeship Industrial Program has been finished. This study employs a quantitative descriptive technique, the Research & Development method, and the 4D development model. A sample of Apprenticeship Industrial Program students from five departments of the Faculty of Engineering, Padang State University, was used in this study. The SIAKAMA application was found to be valid with a value of 0.876, practical with a value of 78.67, and effective with a value of 81.22% after data analysis using SPSS 25. This suggests that implementing the SIAKAMA application to enhance the work competency of Apprenticeship Industrial Program students is viable. The Apprenticeship Industrial Program model represents a modification of the Three Set of Actor development model, yet it hasn't been incorporated with the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Engaging in this Program enables students to acquire 4C skills, including Creativity and Innovation, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Communication, and Collaboration.
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