Instructor Adoption of E-learning Systems in Tanzania’s Universities: A Proposed Multi-Factors Adoption Model (MFAM11)

Deogratius Lashayo - Information Systems and Mathematics (FCIM), Dar es salaam, Tanzania.
Md Gapar Md Johar - Management & Science University (MSU), Shah Alam, Malaysia

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Current studies show that there is no comprehensive adoption model in e-learning systems in universities. This problem opens up to too much debates about which models and frameworks fit well in an e-learning environment particularly in universities in Tanzania. This paper answers the two debatable questions, which are:(1) what are the factors that affect adoption of e-learning systems in Tanzania’s universities, (2) what is the comprehensive e-learning adoption model in universities in Tanzania. This research study adapts DeLone and McLean (2003) IS model after an extensive literature reviews conducted in information systems and in e-learning systems. The findings from this research will add up to literature of limited factors’ model and it will open it up for validation in a different universities’ application domain.


Adoption; e-learning systems; factors; models; frameworks; multi-factors; Tanzania; DeLone and McLean; universities.

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