Solution for Public Smart Dispenser Using Digital Payment Based on the Fingerprint Minutiae Algorithm

Jumadi Parenreng - Universitas Negeri Makassar
Nur Fadiah - Universitas Negeri Makassar
Irmawati Irmawati - Universitas Patria Artha
Syahrul Syahrul - Universitas Negeri Makassar
Abdul Wahid - Universitas Negeri Makassar
M.Syahid Wahid - Universitas Negeri Makassar

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Technological advancements have significantly focused on secure and efficient digital payments. In the context of Public Smart Dispensers (PSDs), using authentication and verification in payment transactions is crucial to address security concerns, enhance transaction efficiency, and provide a better user experience. This study employs minutiae algorithms for the fingerprint identification and verification process. Fingerprint identification utilizes the crossing number method, while fingerprint verification uses a validation score. If the validation score exceeds the threshold of >80, fingerprint verification is considered successful; conversely, verification is deemed unsuccessful if the validation score is <80. Through testing, biometrics as a payment method was conducted 100 times, resulting in an accuracy rate of 94% with an identification response time of approximately two or three seconds. The research findings demonstrate the practicality of implementing fingerprint biometric payment methods with minutiae algorithms on Public Smart Dispenser payment systems in the field of digital payments and technology. This enables fast and efficient transactions, significantly reducing the risk of fund misuse. Consequently, users can easily access water through Public Smart Dispensers, underscoring the real-world applicability and relevance of this solution. Implementing this technology can enhance user comfort and security while expediting the transaction process, which is crucial for public use. Therefore, this research makes a significant contribution to the advancement of fingerprint-based payment technology on public smart dispensers.


Public Smart Dispenser; Biometric; Transaction; Minutiae

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