Cybersecurity Behavior in the West Sumatra Universities

- Gushelmi - Universitas Putra Indonesia YPTK, Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Rodziah Latih - Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, UKM Bangi, Malaysia
Abdullah Mohd. Zin - Universiti Poly-Tech Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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User cybersecurity behavior refers to the actions, habits, and decisions made by individuals when using technology and information that affect the level of security of the data and systems they access. Previous research has shown that user cybersecurity behavior is one of the leading causes of computer and information security issues in many organizations, particularly education. To address this issue, researchers must find solutions to improve user cybersecurity behavior within an organization. Therefore, this study aims to find the factors influencing user cybersecurity behavior in higher education institutions in West Sumatra in 2020. This study was conducted using a survey research method. A questionnaire was distributed to 155 respondents. The questionnaire consisted of 28 questions covering seven factors influencing user cybersecurity behavior. The survey data will be analyzed using the Structural Equation Model based on Partial Least Square. The research findings indicate that all variables, such as Misuse Prevention and Compliance, Body of Knowledge, Skill, Behavioral Intervention, Attitude, Security Compliance Behavior, and Technology, have significant relationships. The relationships between these factors will be shown in the framework to be developed. This indicates that the education sector in Indonesia is aware of cyber threats and the importance of security procedures in the workplace. For further research, a deeper exploration of specific security issues is needed to propose potential solutions or actions that can be implemented to improve user cybersecurity behavior in the education sector, particularly in Indonesia.


User cybersecurity; behavior; universities

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