Exploring Technology Integration in Education: Lecturers Perspective on Outcomes-Based Education Platforms

Julianti Kasih - Maranatha Christian University, Bandung, 40164, Indonesia
Galih Wasis - Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Malang, 65144, Indonesia
Hendra Bunyamin - Maranatha Christian University, Bandung, 40164, Indonesia

Citation Format:

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.62527/joiv.8.2.2691


Informatics education is evolving rapidly through the adoption of Outcome-Based Education (OBE), necessitating a rigorous investigation into the effectiveness of the implementation. This study was conducted using the advanced Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT)-3 model to assess the potential of OBE systems in enhancing teaching and learning processes. The study integrated a comprehensive set of nine variables to measure the acceptance level of OBE systems among lecturers at Maranatha Christian University Bandung and Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. UTAUT-3 provides a more explicit understanding by incorporating Hedonic Motivation (H.M.), Habit (H), and Personal Innovativeness (P.I.). The Model also integrated the core constructs of Performance Expectancy (P.E.), Effort Expectancy (E.E.), Social Influence (S.I.), Facilitating Conditions (F.C.), Behavioral Intention (B.I.), and Users Behavior (U.B.). The result showed that B.I. was a central determinant of U.B., suggesting users' preparedness to engage with OBE systems.Furthermore, the routine use of technology as Habit (H) was closely related to Behavioral Intension (B.I.), showing that familiarity with technology facilitated the intention to adopt OBE systems. The result showed that UTAUT-3's comprehensive framework was superior in evaluating educational technology adoption due to its ability to account for users' engagement as Hedonic Motivation (H.M.), dispositional tendencies toward Personal Innovativeness (P.I.), and the critical role of established habits. Consumers' actual experiences and technological proficiency significantly influence adoption rather than individual characteristics. Therefore, UTAUT-3 was a more effective tool for predicting and understanding the Acceptance of OBE systems, guiding educational institutions toward successfully integrating information systems in learning environments.


outcome-based; education; acceptance; use of technology.

Full Text:



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