Leveraging Various Feature Selection Methods for Churn Prediction Using Various Machine Learning Algorithms
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.62527/joiv.8.2.2453
This study aims to examine the effect of customer experience on customer retention at DQLab Telco, using machine learning techniques to predict customer churn. The study uses a dataset of 6590 customers of DQLab Telco, which contains various features related to their service usage and satisfaction. The data includes various features such as gender, tenure, phone service, internet service, monthly charges, and total charges. These features represent the demographic and service usage information of the customers. The study applies several feature selection methods, such as ANOVA, Recursive Feature Elimination, Feature Importance, and Pearson Correlation, to select the most relevant features for churn prediction. The study also compares three machine learning algorithms, namely Logistic Regression, Random Forest, and Gradient Boosting, to build and evaluate the prediction models. This study finds that Logistic Regression without feature selection achieves the highest accuracy of 79.47%, while Random Forest with Feature Importance and Gradient Boosting with Recursive Feature Elimination achieve accuracy of 77.60% and 79.86%, respectively. The study also identifies the features influencing customer churn most, such as monthly charges, tenure, partner, senior citizen, internet service, paperless billing, and TV streaming. The study provides valuable insights for DQLab Telco in developing customer churn reduction strategies based on predictive models and influential features. The study also suggests that feature selection and machine learning algorithms play a vital role in improving the accuracy of churn prediction and should be customized according to the data context.
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