Measurement on University Websites: A Perspective of Effectiveness
This paper highlights the importance of evaluating the performance of university websites and how this can affect the reputation of universities. Different quality evaluation models are analyzed and emphasized in the context of efficiency and how factors such as response time, processing capacity, efficient use of resources, scalability, data transfer rate, concurrency capacity, and fault tolerance can positively or negatively affect websites. In addition, the importance of applying specific techniques to increase efficiency in loading speed is pointed out, such as image optimization, responsiveness on desktop and mobile devices, and content caching, among others, which allow to improve the website's efficiency. To conduct this process, a case study was applied where the university websites were selected, efficiency metrics were defined, and the data provided by the performance measurement tools that provide metrics and quantitative data for the evaluation were collected and analyzed. from the website. The results of the study revealed that there is room for improvement in page load time and page size optimization. In addition, the need to upgrade the performance of mobile devices was identified, given the increasing use of smartphones and tablets to access websites. As a final recommendation, it is advised to implement a comprehensive strategy to improve website performance. This strategy should include optimization of page load time and page size as well as user experience considerations. By achieving optimal performance, universities can offer their users a more satisfying online experience, thus strengthening their reputation and their ability to attract new users.
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