Elevated Novice Developer Productivity and Self-efficacy by Promoting UX Journey in Software Requirement Elicitation
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.62527/joiv.8.1.2171
This study explores the effectiveness of the UX Journey methodology in increasing developer productivity and self-efficacy. Materials: The UX journey, consisting of around 30 activities, offers a user-centric approach to developing solutions, with 86 volunteer respondents from 505 populations. Method: Through a comparative analysis of developer productivity metrics and the General Self-Efficacy Scale questionnaire, this study investigates the impact of UX Journey on self-efficacy before and after implementation. Results: The study's findings reveal a significant positive correlation between UX Journey and increased productivity and an association between self-efficacy variables. By incorporating a comprehensive set of activities and a user-centric approach, the UX Journey enables developers to navigate the design process efficiently while gaining a deeper understanding of user needs. The positive correlation between the UX Journey and increased productivity, as well as the relationships between self-efficacy variables, emphasize the value of this methodology in fostering practical design thinking. Implication for Further Research: While this study has limitations regarding sample size and contextual specificity, it provides valuable insight into the benefits of UX Journey and paves the way for further research. In addition, the study focused on specific design projects within a particular context, which might restrict the broader applicability of the results. Significant results indicate that the proposed method is as effective as the elicitation method in general, with the advantage that the developer can understand the needs and empathy of the users. UX journeys can enhance the design process and foster a deeper understanding of users' needs across multiple domains.
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