Offline Handwriting Writer Identification using Depth-wise Separable Convolution with Siamese Network

Wirmanto Suteddy - Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, 40625, Indonesia
Devi Agustini - Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, 40625, Indonesia
Dastin Atmanto - Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, 40625, Indonesia

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Offline handwriting writer identification has significant implications for forensic investigations and biometric authentication. Handwriting, as a distinctive biometric trait, provides insights into individual identity. Despite advancements in handcrafted algorithms and deep learning techniques, the persistent challenges related to intra-variability and inter-writer similarity continue to drive research efforts. In this study, we build on well-separated convolution architectures like the Xception architecture, which has proven to be robust in our previous research comparing various deep learning architectures such as MobileNet, EfficientNet, ResNet50, and VGG16, where Xception demonstrated minimal training-validation disparities for writer identification. Expanding on this, we use a model based on similarity or dissimilarity approaches to identify offline writers' handwriting, known as the Siamese Network, that incorporates the Xception architecture. Similarity or dissimilarity measurements are based on the Manhattan or L1 distance between representation vectors of each input pair. We train publicly available IAM and CVL datasets; our approach achieves accuracy rates of 99.81% for IAM and 99.88% for CVL. The model was evaluated using evaluation metrics, which revealed only two error predictions in the IAM dataset, resulting in 99.75% accuracy, and five error predictions for CVL, resulting in 99.57% accuracy. These findings modestly surpass existing achievements, highlighting the potential inherent in our methodology to enhance writer identification accuracy. This study underscores the effectiveness of integrating the Siamese Network with depth-wise separable convolution, emphasizing the practical implications for supporting writer identification in real-world applications.


Offline handwriting; writer identification; siamese network; similarity approach; depth-wise separable convolution

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