Application-Level Caching Approach Based on Enhanced Aging Factor and Pearson Correlation Coefficient

Mulki Zulfa - Jenderal Soedirman University,Purbalingga, 53371, Indonesia
Sri Maryani - Jenderal Soedirman University,Purbalingga, 53371, Indonesia
- Ardiansyah - Ahmad Dahlan University, Bantul, 55191, Indonesia
Triyanna Widiyaningtyas - Malang State University, Malang, 65145, Indonesia
Waleed Ali - King Abdulaziz University, Rabigh, 25732, Saudi Arabia

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Relational database management systems (RDBMS) have long served as the fundamental infrastructure for web applications. Relatively slow access speeds characterize an RDBMS because its data is stored on a disk. This RDBMS weakness can be overcome using an in-memory database (IMDB). Each query result can be stored in the IMDB to accelerate future access. However, due to the limited capacity of the server cache in the IMDB, an appropriate data priority assessment mechanism needs to be developed. This paper presents a similar cache framework that considers four data vectors, namely the data size, timestamp, aging factor, and controller access statistics for each web page, which serve as the foundation elements for determining the replacement policy whenever there is a change in the content of the server cache. The proposed similarCache employs the Pearson correlation coefficient to quantify the similarity levels among the cached data in the server cache. The lowest Pearson correlation coefficients cached data are the first to be evicted from the memory. The proposed similarCache was empirically evaluated based on simulations conducted on four IRcache datasets. The simulation outcomes revealed that the data access patterns, and the configuration of the allocated memory cache significantly influenced the hit ratio performance. In particular, the simulations on the SV dataset with the most minor memory space configuration exhibited a 2.33% and 1% superiority over the SIZE and FIFO algorithms, respectively. Future tasks include building a cache that can adapt to data access patterns by determining the standard deviation. The proposed similarCache should raise the Pearson coefficient for often available data to the same level as most accessed data in exceptional cases.


Application level caching; pearson correlation coefficient; web page; hit ratio

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