Classification of Human Concentration Levels Based on Electroencephalography Signals

Baihaqi Siregar - Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Grace Florence - Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Seniman Seniman - Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Fahmi Fahmi - Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Naemah Mubarakah - Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia

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Concentration denotes the capability to direct one's attention to a specific subject matter. Presently, within the era characterized by an overwhelming abundance of information inundating human existence, distractions frequently impede human concentration, thereby influencing the depth of knowledge acquisition. Various elements contribute to the decline in human concentration, including diminished metabolic states, inadequate sleep, and engaging in multiple tasks simultaneously. The cognitive state of an individual during the process of thinking can be assessed through the analysis of electroencephalography signals. The primary objective of this investigation is to facilitate experts' interpretation of electroencephalography signal outcomes for categorizing concentration levels. The dataset utilized in this examination comprises unprocessed EEG data obtained from observing individuals in both relaxation and concentration states. After data preprocessing, feature extraction is executed, and classification is performed using the Support Vector Machine technique. The outcome of this study reveals an accuracy rate of 84%. These developments allow for continual monitoring of brain function, an enhanced comprehension of cerebral activities, and increased operational efficacy of end-effectors. The implications of these advancements on prospective research opportunities are evident in the potential for more accurate diagnosis of neurological disorders and the progression of sophisticated BCI applications designed to support healthcare and monitor cognitive states. The evolution of EEG technology is paving the way for novel research pathways in neuroscience and human-computer interaction.


Human Concentration; Support Vector Machine; Brain Wave; Electroencephalography.

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