Performance Comparison of Zevenet Multi Service Load Balancing with Least Connection and Round Robin Algorithm

Windiya Ma'arifah - Amikom Purwokerto University, Purwokerto. 53127, Indonesia
Sarmini Sarmini - Amikom Purwokerto University, Purwokerto. 53127, Indonesia

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Amikom Purwokerto University concentrates on Technology and Digital Business. This requires technology to be utilized optimally. The use of technology, especially internships, will make various jobs easier. KRS online is taking lecture schedules online via the AMIKOM Purwokerto Student website. There are several problems with the web server that arise due to the increasing need for information access, which causes the data traffic load to increase. Increased data traffic causes workload overload, resulting in server downtime. Experimental methods were used in this research to look for the causes of the web server's downtime. Then, implement the technology. The purpose is to evaluate the Zevenet load balancer performances by comparing the round-robin and least-connection algorithms. The decision is which algorithm will be used best to implement the Zevenet Load balancer to achieve a more efficient backend server traffic cluster distribution. The TIPHON standard Quality of Service parameters used in Zevenet Load Balancer performance testing are throughput, delay, jitter, packet loss, and CPU usage. The quality-of-service parameter test results show that the Zevenet Load Balancer with the round-robin algorithm has superior performance and shows less CPU usage. It is concluded that using the round-robin algorithm in implementing the Zevenet load balancer to overcome the problem of data traffic load sharing and minimize server downtime on the Student Amikom Purwokerto web server is more appropriate and more effective.


Zevenet; Quality of service; TIPHON; Load Balancer; Round Robin Algorithm; Least Connection Algorithm

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