Environmental Monitoring System using Wireless Multi-Node Sensors based Communication System on Volcano Observations Drones
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.62527/joiv.8.2.1961
Indonesia is on the Ring of Fire and has the world's most active volcanoes. Volcanic activity has a significant effect on the landscape and on the people who live there. The difficulty of evacuating and helping victims requires hard work and sometimes even the safety of the rescue team itself. For this reason, high-tech tools are needed. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), also called drones, have become a hopeful tool for remote environmental monitoring in recent years. The system design has a monitoring platform, gateway, and sensor nodes attached to the UAV, which monitors the content of toxic gas contamination in the air. Using IoT technology, sensor data is sent wirelessly to a central monitoring station for a thorough and accurate volcanic activity study. This system is a flexible and complete way to monitor volcanic activity, learn more about it, and make it easier to respond to disasters. Tests are also done to measure system speed, including latency, and determine network service quality. The results show that data is successfully sent in real-time from the sensor nodes to the monitoring system. The average Round-Trip time for the payload transmission is 446.046226 ms. This shows how well the system works to send data from the sensors connected to the UAV to the monitoring station. The UAV has sensor nodes and a monitoring system platform. These can be used to build and optimize disaster mitigation systems.
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