Implementation of Ensemble Machine Learning Classifier and Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique for Sentiment Analysis of Sustainable Development Goals in Indonesia

Acep Irham Gufroni - Universitas Siliwangi, Tasikmalaya, Indonesia
Irani Hoeronis - Universitas Siliwangi, Tasikmalaya, Indonesia
Nur Fajar - Universitas Siliwangi, Tasikmalaya, Indonesia
Andi Rachman - Universitas Siliwangi, Tasikmalaya, Indonesia
Cecep Muhamad Sidik Ramdani - Universitas Siliwangi, Tasikmalaya, Indonesia
Heni Sulastri - Universitas Siliwangi, Tasikmalaya, Indonesia

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As part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), governments worldwide have committed to improving people's lives to improve the quality of life for all, including the 17 such goals that were agreed upon in 2015 to benefit the human race as a whole. It would be interesting to see how society responds to the SDGs after approximately half of them have been achieved. This public response was analyzed in terms of sentiment. Within the total number of internet users in Indonesia, there are 18.45 million Twitter users. The platform enables anyone to write about anything they are experiencing in their lives, such as what is happening in their environment, what is happening in their education system, what is happening in the food industry, how people feel, and many more. The platform enables anyone to write about anything they are experiencing in their lives, such as what is happening in their environment, what is happening in their education system, what is happening in the food industry, how people feel, and many more. To model the data collected, the researchers used Ensemble Machine Learning Classifiers (EMLC) to model the data by using a machine learning classifier that uses machine learning techniques. The best model in this study is EMLC-Stacking with a data splitting of 80:20 and using SMOTE, which obtains an accuracy of 91%. This accuracy results from a 5% increase compared to when not using SMOTE. From 15,698 tweets, this research found that 47% were positive sentiments, 28% were negative sentiments, and 25% were neutral sentiments. The results that we measured offer hope that there will be a positive trend in the journey of the SDGs until 2030 if these findings are true.


Data Science; Machine Learning; SDGs; Sentiment Analysis; SMOTE

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