A Prototype of Decentralized Applications (DApps) Population Management System Based on Blockchain and Smart Contract

Septovan Saian - Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Salatiga, 50715, Central Java, Indonesia
Irwan Sembiring - Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Salatiga, 50715, Central Java, Indonesia
Daniel Manongga - Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Salatiga, 50715, Central Java, Indonesia

Citation Format:

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.62527/joiv.8.2.1861


The Indonesian population reached 270,20 million in 2020. Each resident is equipped with various secret identities. The COVID-19 pandemic has made all activities use technology as a basis, causing residents' identities to be stored digitally. Some applications that keep these identities experience data leaks. However, with the advent of Web3 and its emphasis on decentralization through blockchain, a new era of secure data management is possible. Blockchain, with its inherent security features, ensures that data stored is secure, difficult to damage or lose due to mutual consensus. Every transaction is recorded, making it easy to carry out the audit process. Therefore, this research will design and implement prototype dApps for secure population management, leveraging the superior security of blockchain technology. The initial stage of research is to conduct a literature study. Furthermore, it is to create designs such as system, infrastructure, and activity diagrams. Then do the development of the dApps prototype. The last is testing using OWASP ZAP and cost analysis. A dApps prototype was implemented on a blockchain. Every transaction is recorded and publicly viewable through the Etherscan platform. Other data stored on a blockchain have gone through an AES-256 encryption process with the data owner's account key so that the owner can only see the data. The results of the tests performed show that there is no high-level warning. The cost analysis results show that the most used costs are when deploying smart contracts and making new data. For further development, it is implementing permissionless blockchain and multi-accounts.


Decentralized applications; Blockchain; Smart contract;

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