Predicting Battery Storage of Residential PV Using Long Short-Term Memory

Rizky Rakasiwi - Politeknik Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
Kurnianingsih Kurnianingsih - Politeknik Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
Amin Suharjono - Politeknik Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
I Ketut Enriko - PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Indonesia
Naoyuki Kubota - Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan

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Solar power panels, or photovoltaic (PV), have recently grown rapidly as a renewable alternative energy source, especially since the increase in the basic electricity tariff. PV technology can be employed instead of the state electricity company to reduce the electricity used. Indonesia is one of the countries that have great potential in producing electricity from PV technology, considering that most of Indonesia's territory gets sunlight for most of the year and has a large land area. Considering the benefits of PV technology, it is necessary to carry out predictive monitoring and analysis of the energy generated by PV technology to maximize energy utilization in the future. The Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing system was developed in this research to monitor and collect data in real-time within 27 days and obtained 7831 data for each parameter that affects PV production. These data include data on the light intensity, temperature, and humidity at the location where the PV system is installed. The feature selection results using Pearson correlation revealed that the light intensity parameter significantly impacted the PV production system. This research used the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) method to predict future PV production. By tuning hyperparameters using 3000 epochs, the resulting RMSE value was 171.5720. The results indicated a significant change in the RMSE value compared to 100 epochs of 422.5780. This model can be applied as a forecasting system model at electric vehicle charging stations, given the increasing use of electric vehicles in the future.     

Keywords— Forecasting; energy; Photovoltaic; LSTM; Internet of Thing.



Forecasting; energy; Photovoltaic; LSTM; Internet of Thing

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