Saudi Learners' Perception of Infographics in Education: A Survey

Suzan Alyahya - Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, Riyadh, 11564, Saudi Arabia

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Learners' learning experiences diverge and undergo rapid shifts due to trends in technology, and the transfer of knowledge in varying formats and styles is ubiquitous. Infographics find its application in instructional design and technology that drives education with state-of-the-art tools and applied methods. Being a format of data, Infographics or visual images presents information or knowledge using visuals. This study aims to present the student perceptions of learning via infographics at Princess Nourah bint Abdurrahman University (PNU) in Saudi Arabia. The study employs a survey questionnaire consisting of 13 close-ended questions posed to assess the learners' responses at PNU. Applied Likert's scale-based questions present a conversion of user data input to quantitative figures, which present the level of understanding and the role of infographics in education. The survey involved 45 undergraduate female students pursuing undergraduate degree courses at PNU. Using survey research design methodology, the study investigated learners' perceptions of infographics to add to their learning experiences and provides a quantitative analysis of observed responses to the survey questionnaire. The study conducts an online survey and classifies participants of different age groups into five categories for assessment. The study findings reveal that PNU learners perceive a positive role of infographics in their learning. However, learners showcase varied perceptions of a) the acceptance of assignments based on infographics and b) the use of static versus animated infographics. The study guides research scholars toward the intuition of infographics in learning environments and reports the two research problems to be addressed in future works.


Educational Infographics; Infographics; Saudi Learners, Instructional Design; Instructional Technology; Online Media; Visual Learning.

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