An Expert System for Pneumococcal Prognosis

Nurnadzirah Othman - Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia
Nureize Arbaiy - Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia
Hamijah Rahman - Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia

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Threats and viruses are particularly alarming for children with low immunization levels. Pneumococcal disease is the world's most important cause of child death and has claimed many lives. Since awareness of the dangers of Pneumococcal viruses among parents is low in Malaysia, preventive measures such as vaccine intake cannot be done comprehensively. Hence, in order to communicate information about Pneumococcal disease, a pneumococcal disease diagnosis system for children is developed. This system employs expert system method and apply forward chaining technique for its reasoning. Knowledge base of the system is stored in the database for data management. This alternative system allows access to information as well as early diagnosis of early symptoms can be detected. This system is expected to benefit users in terms of knowledge sharing, and self-checking on their body condition, especially parents, to prevent any possible diseases that may infect children's.


threats; viruses; pneumococcal prognosis; expert system

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