Classification of Lombok Songket and Sasambo Batik Motifs Using the Convolution Neural Network (CNN) Algorithm

Suthami Ariessaputra - University of Mataram, Mataram, 83125, Indonesia
Viviana Vidiasari - University of Mataram, Mataram, 83125, Indonesia
Sudi Sasongko - University of Mataram, Mataram, 83125, Indonesia
Budi Darmawan - University of Mataram, Mataram, 83125, Indonesia
Sabar Nababan - University of Mataram, Mataram, 83125, Indonesia

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Sasambo batik is a traditional batik from the West Nusa Tenggara province. Sasambo itself is an abbreviation of three tribes, namely the Sasak (sa) in the Lombok Islands, the Samawa (sam), and the Mbojo (bo) tribes in Sumbawa Island. Classification of batik motifs can use image processing technology, one of which is the Convolution Neural Network (CNN) algorithm. Before entering the classification process, the batik image first undergoes image resizing. After that, proceed with the operation of the convolution, pooling, and fully connected layers. The sample image of Lombok songket motifs and Sasambo batik consists of 20 songket fabric data with the same motif and color and 14 songket data with the same motif but different colors. In addition, there are 10 data points on songket fabrics with other motifs and colors. In addition, there are 5 data points on Sasambo batik fabrics with the same motif and color and 5 data points on Sasambo batik fabrics with the same motif but different colors. The training data rotates the image by 150 as many as 20 photos. Testing with motifs with the same color shows that the system's success rate is 83.85%. The highest average recognition for Sasambo batik cloth is in testing motifs with the same color for data in the database at 93.66%. The CNN modeling classification results indicate that the Sasambo batik cloth can be a reference for developing songket categorization using a website platform or the Android system.


Songket; Batik; Convolution Neural Network (CNN); neural network; Sasambo.

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