Investigation of Mobile Cloud Storage Adoption Factors in Higher Education
Mobile cloud storage provides benefits for educational institutions. Several researchers have researched cloud computing adoption, but only a few studies related to how users experience using Personal Cloud Storage Services. This research aims to investigate the adoption of the mobile cloud storage factors following the theory, as well as research that has been previously proven related to user interest in using mobile cloud storage among higher education students. This quantitative research uses data analysis techniques using GSCA to prove the theory and achieve the research goals. The research methodology consists of five main stages, namely the stage of model development and research design, the stage of preparing the instrument and its measurement, the stage of testing the instrument, the stage of survey and results, as well as the stages of analysis and discussion as well as conclusions. Five variables are investigated in this research: knowledge sharing, perceived usefulness, attitude toward using a system, trust, and intention to use. The results of hypothesis testing were conducted using GSCA; three proposed hypotheses were accepted, and one was rejected. The variables the research model can explain are 68%, and the remaining 32% are other variables not used in this study. The characteristics of respondents can provide several ways to increase the adoption of mobile cloud computing by linking research results from inferential analysis and descriptive analysis. Future research can focus on extracting these variables through user interviews regarding students' intentions to use mobile cloud computing.
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