Illiteracy Classification Using K Means-Naïve Bayes Algorithm

Muhammad Firman Saputra - State University of Malang, Indonesia
Triyanna Widiyaningtyas - State University of Malang, Indonesia
Aji Wibawa - State University of Malang, Indonesia

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Illiteracy is an inability to recognize characters, both in order to read and write. It is a significant problem for countries all around the world including Indonesia. In Indonesia, illiteracy rate is generally set as an indicator to see whether or not education in Indonesia is successful. If this problem is not going to be overcome, it will affect people’s prosperity. One system that has been used to overcome this problem is prioritizing the treatment from areas with the highest illiteracy rate and followed by areas with lower illiteracy rate. The method is going to be a way easier to be applied if it is supported by classification process. Since the classification process needs a class, and there has not been any fine classification of illiteracy rate, there is needed a clustering process before classification process. This research is aimed to get optimal number of classes through clustering process and know the result of illiteracy classification process. The clustering process is conducted by using k means algorithm, and for the classification process is conducted by using Naïve Bayes algorithm. The testing method used to assess the success of classification process is 10-fold method. Based on the research result, it can be concluded that the optimal illiteracy classes are three classes with the classification accuracy value of 96.4912% and error rate value of 3.5088%. Whereas the classification with two classes get the accuracy value of 93.8596% and error rate value of 6.1404%. And for the classification with five classes get the accuracy value of 90.3509% and error rate value of 9.6491%.


Illiteracy; Clustering; K means; Classification; Naïve Bayes

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