LoRaWAN for Smart Street Lighting Solution in Pangandaran Regency
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.62527/joiv.7.4.1198
Smart street lighting is a key application in smart cities, enabling the monitoring and control of street lamps through internet connectivity. LoRa/LoRaWAN, an IoT technology, offers advantages such as low power consumption, cost-effectiveness, and a wide area network. With its extensive coverage of up to 15 kilometers and easy deployment, LoRa has become a favored connectivity option for IoT use cases. This study explores the utilization of LoRaWAN in Pangandaran, a regency in the West Java province of Indonesia. Implementing LoRaWAN in this context has resulted in several benefits, including the ability to monitor and control street lighting in specific areas of Pangandaran and real-time recording of energy consumption. The primary objective of this research is to estimate the number of LoRaWAN gateways required to support smart street lighting in Pangandaran. Two methods are employed: coverage calculation using the free space loss approach and capacity calculation. The coverage calculation suggests a requirement of 34 gateways, whereas the capacity calculation indicates that only two gateways are needed. Based on these findings, it can be inferred that, theoretically, a maximum of 34 gateways would be necessary for smart street lighting in the Pangandaran area. However, further research, including driving tests, is recommended to validate these results for future implementation. This study provides insights into the practical application of LoRaWAN technology in smart street lighting, specifically in Pangandaran. The findings contribute to optimizing infrastructure and resource allocation, ultimately enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of urban lighting systems.
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