Automatic Weight of Color, Texture, and Shape Features in Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Artificial Neural Network

Akmal Akmal - Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, 40132, Indonesia
Rinaldi Munir - Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, 40132, Indonesia
Judhi Santoso - Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, 40132, Indonesia

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Image retrieval is the process of finding images in the database that are similar to the query image by measuring how close the feature values of the query image are to other images. Image retrieval is currently dominated by approaches that combine several different representations or features. The optimal weight of each feature is needed in combining the image features such as color features, texture features, and shape features. In this study, we use a multi-layer perceptron artificial neural network (MLP) method to obtain feature weights automatically and simultaneously look for optimal weights. The color moment is used to find nine color features, Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) to find four texture features, and Hu Moment to find seven shape features totaling 20 neurons and all of these features become the input layer in our MLP network. Three neurons in output layers become the automatic weight of each feature. These weights are used to combine each feature's role in obtaining the relevant image. Euclidean Distance is used to measure similarity. The average precision values obtained using automatic feature weights are 93.94% for the synthetic dataset, 91.19% for the Coil-100 dataset, and 54.31% for the Wang dataset. These results have an average difference of 5.06% with the target so automatic feature weighting works well. This value is obtained at a hidden layer size of 11 and a learning rate of 0.1. In addition, the use of automatic feature weighting gives more accurate results compared to manual feature weighting.


image retrieval; color moment; hu moment; gray level co-occurrence matrix; multi-layer perceptron

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