A Framework for Malay Computational Grammar Formalism based-on Enhanced Pola Grammar
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30630/joiv.7.2.1172
In the era of IR4.0, Natural Language Processing (NLP) is one of the major focuses because text is stored digitally to code the information. Natural language understanding requires a computational grammar for syntax and semantics of the language in question for this information to be manipulated digitally. Many languages around the world have their own computational grammars for processing syntax and semantics. However, when it comes to the Malay language, the researchers have yet to come across a substantial computational grammar that can process Malay syntax and semantics based on a computational theoretical framework that can be applied in systems such as e-commerce. Hence, we intend to propose a formalism framework based on enhanced Pola Grammar with syntactic and semantic features. The objectives of this proposed framework are to create a linguistic computational formalism for the Malay language based on theoretical linguistic; implement templates for Malay words to handle syntax and semantic features in accordance with the enhanced Pola Grammar; and create a Malay Language Parser Algorithm that can be used for digital applications. To accomplish the objectives, the proposed framework will recursively formalise the computational Malay grammar and lexicon using a combination of solid theoretical linguistic foundations such as Dependency Grammar. A Malay parsing algorithm will be developed for the proposed model until the formalised grammar is deemed reliable. The findings of this indigenous Malay parser will help to advance Malay language applications in the digital economy.
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