Cited in Journal / Conference Indexed by SCOPUS

SCOPUS Citation Analysis


last update: June 18, 2020

JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization is cited by articles on SCOPUS database at least 117 times since published in March 2017. The number citation calculation for each year is:

2020 19
2019 68
2018 26
2017 4

We searching with query on  REF ( "JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization" )  OR  REF ( "International Journal on Informatics Visualization" )  OR  REF ( "JOIV" )

Citation details:

>> Citedness in scopus : 117 times (from 53 documents)

01 >> M. Ibraigheeth, & S. Fadzli "Core Factors for Software Projects Success," JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization, vol. 3, no. 1, , pp. 69 - 74, Jan. 2019.

Cited By (Scopus Documents) :
  1. Hardiyanto, D., Rojali, M., Iswanto, & Sartika, D. A. (2019). Pedestrian crossing safety system at traffic lights based on decision tree algorithm. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 10(8), 375-379. Retrieved from

02>> B. Maram "Bitcoin Generation using Blockchain Technology," JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization, vol. 2, no. 3, , pp. 127 - 132, Apr. 2018.

Cited By (Scopus Documents) :

  1. Singh, P., Verma, S., & Kavita. (2019). Analysis on different strategies used in blockchain technology. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 16(10), 4350-4355. doi:10.1166/jctn.2019.8524

03>> M. Jamshidi, A. Shaltooki, Z. Dagal Zadeh, & A. Mohammad Darwesh "A Dynamic ID Assignment Mechanism to Defend Against Node Replication Attack in Static Wireless Sensor Networks," JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization, vol. 3, no. 1, , pp. 13 - 17, Sep. 2018.

Cited By (Scopus Documents) :

  1. Jamshidi, M., Esnaashari, M., Darwesh, A. M., & Meybodi, M. R. (2019). Detecting sybil nodes in stationary wireless sensor networks using learning automaton and client puzzles. IET Communications, 13(13), 1988-1997. doi:10.1049/iet-com.2018.6036
  2. Jamshidi, M., Ranjbari, M., Esnaashari, M., Darwesh, A. M., & Meybodi, M. R. (2019). A new algorithm to defend against sybil attack in staticwireless sensor networks using mobile observer sensor nodes. Ad-Hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks, 43(3-4), 213-238. Retrieved from
  3. Jamshidi, M., Poor, S. S. A., Qader, N. N., Esnaashari, M., & Meybodi, M. R. (2019). A lightweight algorithm against replica node attack in mobile wireless sensor networks using learning agents. IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing, 8(1), 58-70. doi:10.5573/IEIESPC.2019.8.1.058
  4. Jamshidi, M., Esnaashari, M., Darwesh, A. M., & Meybodi, M. R. (2019). Using time-location tags and watchdog nodes to defend against node replication attack in mobile wireless sensor networks. International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, doi:10.1007/s10776-019-00469-0
  5. Giardino, D., Matta, M., & Spanò, S. (2019). A feature extractor IC for acoustic emission non-destructive testing. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 9(2), 538-543. doi:10.18517/ijaseit.9.2.8281
  6. Jamshidi, M., Darwesh, A. M., Lorenc, A., Ranjbari, M., & Meybodi, M. R. (2018). A precise algorithm for detecting malicious sybil nodes in mobile wireless sensor networks. IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing, 7(6), 457-466. doi:10.5573/IEIESPC.2018.7.6.457
  7. Jamshidi M, Poor SSA, Arghavani A, Esnaashari M, Shaltooki AA, Meybodi MR. A simple, lightweight, and precise algorithm to defend against replica node attacks in mobile wireless networks using neighboring information. Ad Hoc Networks [Internet]. Elsevier BV; 2020 Apr;100:102081. Available from:

04>> N. Sharma, & P. Yalla "Developing Research Questions in Natural Language Processing and Software Engineering," JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization, vol. 2, no. 4, , pp. 268 - 270, Aug. 2018.

Cited By (Scopus Documents) :

  1. Memon, K. A., & Xiaoling, X. (2019). Deciphering and analyzing software requirements employing the techniques of natural language processing. Paper presented at the ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 153-156. doi:10.1145/3325730.3325757 Retrieved from

05>> H. Mohd Shah, M. Ab Rashid, Z. Kamis, M. Mohd Aras, N. Mohd Ali, F. Wasbari, & M. Bin Abu Bakar "Design and Develop an Autonomous UAV Airship for Indoor Surveillance and Monitoring Applications," JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization, vol. 2, no. 1, , pp. 1 - 7, Jan. 2018. 

Cited By (Scopus Documents) :

  1. Shah, H. N. M., Abdollah, M. F., Kamis, Z., Aras, M. S. M., Baharon, M. R., & Sallehoddin, M. Z. A. (2019). Develop and implementation of PC based controller for humanoid robot using digital potentiometer. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 15(1), 104-112. doi:10.11591/ijeecs.v15.i1.pp104-112

06>> H. Rahman, N. Arbaiy, M. Che Lah, & N. Hassan "Exploratory Study of Kohonen Network for Human Health State Classification," JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization, vol. 2, no. 3-2, , pp. 209 - 214, Jun. 2018.

Cited By (Scopus Documents) :

  1. Giardino, D., Matta, M., & Spanò, S. (2019). An automatic AW-SOM VHDL IP-core generator. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 9(4), 1136-1141. Retrieved from
  2. Silvestri, F., Acciarito, S., & Khanal, G. M. (2019). Relationship between mathematical parameters of modified van der pol oscillator model and ECG morphological features. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 9(2), 601-608. doi:10.18517/ijaseit.9.2.8296
  3. De Luca, E., Fallucchi, F., Giuliano, R., Incarnato, G., & Mazzenga, F. (2019). Analysing and visualizing tweets for U.S. president popularity. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 9(2), 692-699. doi:10.18517/ijaseit.9.2.8284

07>> K. Albeladi, & S. Abdullah "Application of Genetic Algorithm and Personal Informatics in Stock Market," JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization, vol. 2, no. 2, , pp. 68 - 72, Mar. 2018.

Cited By (Scopus Documents) :

  1. DosdoÄŸru, A. T. (2019). Comparative study of hybrid artificial neural network methods under stationary and nonstationary data in stock market. Managerial and Decision Economics, 40(4), 460-471. doi:10.1002/mde.3016

08>> S. PSV "A Cloud Based Irrigation System for Agriculture," JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization, vol. 2, no. 1, , pp. 28 - 30, Jan. 2018.

Cited By (Scopus Documents) :

  1. D'Urso, A., Cutraro, V., Catania, C., Rapisarda, F., Garaffo, G., & Calì, M. (2019). Closed cycle drying process to retrain industrial sludge into construction products. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 9(6), 1783-1788. Retrieved from

09>> S. Khan, N. Mohd Nawi, A. Shahzad, A. Ullah, M. Mushtaq, J. Mir, & M. Aamir "Comparative Analysis for Heart Disease Prediction," JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization, vol. 1, no. 4-2, , pp. 227 - 231, Nov. 2017.

Cited By (Scopus Documents) :

  1. Khan, S. N., Nawi, N. M., Imrona, M., Shahzad, A., Ullah, A., & Atta-ur-Rahman. (2018). Opinion mining summarization and automation process: A survey. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 8(5), 1836-1844. doi:10.18517/ijaseit.8.5.5002
  2. De Luca, E., Fallucchi, F., Giuliano, R., Incarnato, G., & Mazzenga, F. (2019). Analysing and visualizing tweets for U.S. president popularity. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 9(2), 692-699. doi:10.18517/ijaseit.9.2.8284

10>> A. Ullah, N. Mohd Nawi, A. Shahzad, S. Khan, & M. Aamir "An E-learning System in Malaysia based on Green Computing and Energy Level," JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization, vol. 1, no. 4-2, , pp. 184 -187, Nov. 2017.

Cited By (Scopus Documents) :

  1. Khan, S. N., Aljaberi, M. A., & Muammar, S. (2019). Success factors model for green computing implementations. International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development, 18(1), 37-54. doi:10.1386/tmsd.18.1.37_1
  2. Ullah, A., Nawi, N. M., Uddin, J., Baseer, S., & Rashed, A. H. (2019). Artificial bee colony algorithm used for load balancing in cloud computing: Review. IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence, 8(2), 156-167. doi:10.11591/ijai.v8.i2.pp156-167

11>>K. Yankov "Specific Language for Robot Trajectory Generation," JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization, vol. 1, no. 4, , pp. 157- 164, Dec 2017. 

Cited By (Scopus Documents) :

  1. Zdobytskyi, A., Lobur, M., Iwaniec, M., & Breznitskyi, V. (2019). Optimization of the structural characteristics of the robotic system holder. Paper presented at the 2019 15th International Conference on the Experience of Designing and Application of CAD Systems, CADSM 2019 - Proceedings, doi:10.1109/CADSM.2019.8779311 Retrieved from

12>> W. Jin, & D. Kim "A Sleep-Awake Scheme Based on CoAP for Energy-Efficiency in Internet of Things," JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization, vol. 1, no. 4, , pp. 110 - 114, Nov. 2017.

Cited By (Scopus Documents) :

  1. Jin, W., & Kim, D. (2019). Resource management based on OCF for device self-registration and status detection in IoT networks. Electronics (Switzerland), 8(3) doi:10.3390/electronics8030311
  2. Giardino, D., Matta, M., & Spanò, S. (2019). A feature extractor IC for acoustic emission non-destructive testing. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 9(2), 538-543. doi:10.18517/ijaseit.9.2.8281
  3. Jin, W., & Kim, D. (2018). Consistent registration and discovery scheme for devices and web service providers based on RAML using embedded RD in OCF IoT network. Sustainability (Switzerland), 10(12) doi:10.3390/su10124706
  4. Jin, W., & Kim, D. (2018). Development of virtual resource based IoT proxy for bridging heterogeneous web services in IoT networks. Sensors (Switzerland), 18(6) doi:10.3390/s18061721
  5. Jin, W., & Kim, D. (2018). A sleep scheme based on MQ broker using subscribe/publish in IoT network. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 8(2), 539-545. doi:10.18517/ijaseit.8.2.3099

13>> K. Madadipouya "A Survey on Data Mining Algorithms and Techniques in Medicine," JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization, vol. 1, no. 3, , pp. 61-71, Jun. 2017.

Cited By (Scopus Documents) :

  1. Silvestri, F., Acciarito, S., & Khanal, G. M. (2019). Relationship between mathematical parameters of modified van der pol oscillator model and ECG morphological features. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 9(2), 601-608. doi:10.18517/ijaseit.9.2.8296
  2. Ahmar, A. S., Napitupulu, D., Rahim, R., Hidayat, R., Sonatha, Y., & Azmi, M. (2018). Using K-means clustering to cluster provinces in indonesia. Paper presented at the Journal of Physics: Conference Series, , 1028(1) doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1028/1/012006 Retrieved from
  3. De Luca, E., Fallucchi, F., Giuliano, R., Incarnato, G., & Mazzenga, F. (2019). Analysing and visualizing tweets for U.S. president popularity. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 9(2), 692-699. doi:10.18517/ijaseit.9.2.8284

14>> A. Erianda, & I. Rahmayuni "Improvement of Email And Twitter Classification Accuracy Based On Preprocessing Bayes Naive Classifier Optimization In Integrated Digital Assistant," JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization, vol. 1, no. 2, , pp. 53-56, May. 2017.

Cited By (Scopus Documents) :

  1. Silvestri, F., Acciarito, S., & Khanal, G. M. (2019). Relationship between mathematical parameters of modified van der pol oscillator model and ECG morphological features. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 9(2), 601-608. doi:10.18517/ijaseit.9.2.8296
  2. De Luca, E., Fallucchi, F., Giuliano, R., Incarnato, G., & Mazzenga, F. (2019). Analysing and visualizing tweets for U.S. president popularity. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 9(2), 692-699. doi:10.18517/ijaseit.9.2.8284

15>> M. Mohd Yunus, S. Gopala Krishnan, N. Mohd Nawi, & E. Mat Surin "Study on Database Management System Security Issues," JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization, vol. 1, no. 4-2, , pp. 192 - 194, Nov. 2017.

Cited By (Scopus Documents) :

  1. Voitovych, O., Kupershtein, L., Lukichov, V., & Mikityuk, I. (2019). Multilayer access for database protection. Paper presented at the 2018 International Scientific-Practical Conference on Problems of Infocommunications Science and Technology, PIC S and T 2018 - Proceedings, 474-478. doi:10.1109/INFOCOMMST.2018.8632152 Retrieved from
  2. Tan, K., & Lim, C. (2019). A case study of TNB network solution & support (NSS) inventory information system: A quick printable and non-redundancy web-based application. International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 8(1), 740-745. Retrieved from
  3. Galushka, V., Marshakov, D., Aydinyan, A., Tsvetkova, O., & Fathi, D. (2018). The key management method for the system of end-to-end symmetric database encryption. Paper presented at the MATEC Web of Conferences, , 226 doi:10.1051/matecconf/201822605002 Retrieved from

16>> H. Amnur "Customer Relationship Management and Machine Learning Technology for Identifying the Customer," JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization, vol. 1, no. 1, , pp. 12-15, Mar. 2017.

Cited By (Scopus Documents) :

  1. Giardino, D., Matta, M., Silvestri, F., Spanò, S., & Trobiani, V. (2019). FPGA implementation of hand-written number recognition based on CNN. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 9(1), 167-171. doi:10.18517/ijaseit.9.1.6948

17>> S. Fashoto, O. Amaonwu, & A. Afolorunsho "Development of A Decision Support System on Employee Performance Appraisal using AHP Model," JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization, vol. 2, no. 4, , pp. 262 - 267, Aug. 2018.

Cited By (Scopus Documents) :

  1. Pardede, A. M. H., Br Sitepu, L. P., Zarlis, M., Tulus, Iskandar, A., Sriadhi, S., . . . Winarno, E. (2019). Application of message security application using vigenere cipher algorithm utilizing one time pad (OTP) algorithm as a key generator. Paper presented at the Journal of Physics: Conference Series, , 1363(1) doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1363/1/012080 Retrieved from
  2. Rayuwati, Mustapa M, Taliang A, Iskandar A. Comparison of Encoding and Decoding Methods for Binary Files. Journal of Physics: Conference Series [Internet]. IOP Publishing; 2019 Dec;1364:012024. Available from:
  3. Erwinsyah A, Yuliwati, Andriany L, Fithra H. Three-Dimensional Text Applications with OpenGL. Journal of Physics: Conference Series [Internet]. IOP Publishing; 2019 Dec;1364:012048. Available from:
  4. Iskandar A, Sumartono E, Segar S, Fitriani. Software Design for Depiction and Calculation of Curves Area on Cartesian Coordinates. Journal of Physics: Conference Series [Internet]. IOP Publishing; 2019 Dec;1364:012042. Available from:
  5. Winarno E, Hartono H, Erliana CI, Fithra H. Designing Red Eye Reduction Software with Intensity Color Checking Technique. Journal of Physics: Conference Series [Internet]. IOP Publishing; 2019 Dec;1364:012030. Available from:
  6. Taufiq R, Faridi, Hardono J. Decision Support of System Performance Appraisal of Education Services Using Servqual And Analytical Hierarchy Process Method. Journal of Physics: Conference Series [Internet]. IOP Publishing; 2020 Mar;1477:032022. Available from:

18>> M. Samuel, M. Mohamad, S. Saad, & M. Hussein "Development of Edge-Based Lane Detection Algorithm using Image Processing," JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization, vol. 2, no. 1, , pp. 19 - 22, Jan. 2018.

Cited By (Scopus Documents) :

  1. Wang, B., Li, H., & Hu, W. (2019). Research on key techniques of multi-resolution coastline image fusion based on optimal seam-line. Earth Science Informatics, doi:10.1007/s12145-019-00421-z
  2. Na'am, J., Harlan, J., Syelly, R., & Ramadhanu, A. (2019). Filter technique of medical image on multiple morphological gradient (MMG) method. Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control), 17(3), 1317-1323. doi:10.12928/TELKOMNIKA.v17i3.9722

19>> R. Tamilkodi, G. Kumari, & S. Perumal "A new approach towards Image retrieval using texture statistical methods," JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization, vol. 2, no. 1, , pp. 13 - 18, Jan. 2018.

Cited By (Scopus Documents) :

  1. Na'am, J., Harlan, J., Syelly, R., & Ramadhanu, A. (2019). Filter technique of medical image on multiple morphological gradient (MMG) method. Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control), 17(3), 1317-1323. doi:10.12928/TELKOMNIKA.v17i3.9722

20>> M. Virk, & V. Chauhan "Big Data and Shipping-managing vessel performance," JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization, vol. 2, no. 2, , pp. 73 - 75, Mar. 2018.

Cited By (Scopus Documents) :

  1. Ahmar, A. S., Napitupulu, D., Rahim, R., Hidayat, R., Sonatha, Y., & Azmi, M. (2018). Using K-means clustering to cluster provinces in indonesia. Paper presented at the Journal of Physics: Conference Series, , 1028(1) doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1028/1/012006 Retrieved from

21>> Y. Yin, N. Arbaiy, & J. Din "Financial Records Management System for Micro Enterprise," JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization, vol. 1, no. 4-2, , pp. 209 - 213, Nov. 2017.

Cited By (Scopus Documents) :

  1. Siman, R., Ahmar, A. S., Ihsan, N., & Noni, N. (2018). ELit: A research management information system. Paper presented at the Journal of Physics: Conference Series, , 1114(1) doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1114/1/012094 Retrieved from

22>> S. Suroto "A Review of Defense Against Slow HTTP Attack," JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization, vol. 1, no. 4, , pp. 127 - 134, Nov. 2017.

Cited By (Scopus Documents) :

  1. Rahim, R., Manurung, R. T., Napitupulu, D., Ratnadewi, R., Nurdiyanto, H., Rangka, I. B., . . . Suseno, N. (2018). Comparison of time in processing frame as an error detection mechanism in network transmission. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 420(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/420/1/012085 Retrieved from

23>> M. Kumar, & P. j "Analysis of Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Virtualization," JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization, vol. 1, no. 4, , pp. 122 - 126, Nov. 2017.

Cited By (Scopus Documents) :

  1. Mathivanan, S., & Jayagopal, P. (2019). A big data virtualization role in agriculture: A comprehensive review. Walailak Journal of Science and Technology, 16(2), 55-70. Retrieved from
  2. Rahim, R., Manurung, R. T., Napitupulu, D., Ratnadewi, R., Nurdiyanto, H., Rangka, I. B., . . . Suseno, N. (2018). Comparison of time in processing frame as an error detection mechanism in network transmission. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 420(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/420/1/012085 Retrieved from

24>> R. Roslan, & A. Ahmad "3D Spatial Visualisation Skills Training Application for School Students Using Hologram Pyramid," JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization, vol. 1, no. 4, , pp. 170 - 174, Nov. 2017.

Cited By (Scopus Documents) :

  1. Tayeh, R., Bademosi, F. M., & Issa, R. R. A. (2019). Interactive holograms for better construction information communication. Paper presented at the Computing in Civil Engineering 2019: Visualization, Information Modeling, and Simulation - Selected Papers from the ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering 2019, 112-119. doi:10.1061/9780784482421.015 Retrieved from
  2. Rahim, R., Kurniasih, N., Hasibuan, A., Andriany, L., Najmurrokhman, A., Supriyanto, S., . . . Abdullah, D. (2018). Congklak, a traditional game solution approach with breadth first search. Paper presented at the MATEC Web of Conferences, , 197 doi:10.1051/matecconf/201819703007 Retrieved from

25>> D. Chandravathi, & P. Lakshmi "Advanced Homomorphic Encryption for Cloud Data Security," JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization, vol. 1, no. 1, , pp. 1-4, Mar. 2017.

Cited By (Scopus Documents) :

  1. Pardede, A. M. H., Br Sitepu, L. P., Zarlis, M., Tulus, Iskandar, A., Sriadhi, S., . . . Winarno, E. (2019). Application of message security application using vigenere cipher algorithm utilizing one time pad (OTP) algorithm as a key generator. Paper presented at the Journal of Physics: Conference Series, , 1363(1) doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1363/1/012080 Retrieved from
  2. Maryanti, S., Wiyati, R., Falimu, Saadjad, K. A., & Tunggala, S. (2019). Key improvement in rijndael algoritm for security process. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 11(5), 631-633. Retrieved from
  3. Rahim, R., Kurniasih, N., Pohan, N., Sriadhi, S., Listyorini, T., Nanuru, R. F., . . . Napitupulu, D. (2018). Pseudo-prime number simulation and its application for security purpose. Paper presented at the MATEC Web of Conferences, , 197 doi:10.1051/matecconf/201819703005 Retrieved from

26>> T. Tung Khuat, & M. Le "An Application of Artificial Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic on the Stock Price Prediction Problem," JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization, vol. 1, no. 2, , pp. 40-49, Apr. 2017.

Cited By (Scopus Documents) :

  1. Li, J., & Tan, Y. (2019). A comprehensive review of the fireworks algorithm. ACM Computing Surveys, 52(6) doi:10.1145/3362788
  2. Janková, Z. (2019). Application of artificial neural networks and fuzzy logic in stock trading. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 33rd International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2019: Education Excellence and Innovation Management through Vision 2020, 2610-2619. Retrieved from
  3. Serrano, W. (2019). Fintech bitcoin smart investment based on the random neural network with a genetic algorithm doi:10.1007/978-3-319-97982-3_11 Retrieved from
  4. Susi, G., Acciarito, S., Pascual, T., Cristini, A., & Maestú, F. (2019). Towards neuro-inspired electronic oscillators based on the dynamical relaying mechanism. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 9(2), 569-574. doi:10.18517/ijaseit.9.2.8347
  5. Janková, Z., & Dostál, P. (2019). Utilization of artificial intelligence for sensitivity analysis in the stock market. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 67(5), 1269-1283. doi:10.11118/actaun201967051269
  6. Serrano, W. (2019). Genetic and deep learning clusters based on neural networks for management decision structures. Neural Computing and Applications, doi:10.1007/s00521-019-04231-8
  7. Serrano, W. (2018). Fintech model: The random neural network with genetic algorithm. Paper presented at the Procedia Computer Science, , 126 537-546. doi:10.1016/j.procS.2018.07.288 Retrieved from
  8. Serrano, W. (2018). The random neural network with a genetic algorithm and deep learning clusters in fintech: Smart investment doi:10.1007/978-3-319-92007-8_26 Retrieved from

27>> A. Syahir, & C. Wen "Secure Login Mechanism for Online Banking," JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization, vol. 2, no. 3-2, , pp. 179 - 183, Jun. 2018.

Cited By (Scopus Documents) :

  1. Maryanti, S., Wiyati, R., Falimu, Saadjad, K. A., & Tunggala, S. (2019). Key improvement in rijndael algoritm for security process. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 11(5), 631-633. Retrieved from

28>> J. Na`am "Accuracy of Panoramic Dental X-Ray Imaging in Detection of Proximal Caries with Multiple Morpological Gradient (mMG) Method," JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization, vol. 1, no. 1, , pp. 5-11, Mar 2017.

Cited By (Scopus Documents) :

  1. Naàm, J., Harlan, J., Madenda, S., Santony, J., & Suharinto, C. (2018). Detection of proximal caries at the molar teeth using edge enhancement algorithm. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 8(5), 3259-3266. doi:10.11591/ijece.v8i5.pp.3259-3266
  2. Naàm, J., Santony, J., Yuhandri, Sumijan, & Nurcahyo, G. W. (2018). Enlarge medical image using line-column interpolation (LCI) method. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 8(5), 3620-3626. doi:10.11591/ijece.v8i5.pp3620-3626
  3. Na'am, J., Harlan, J., Nercahyo, G. W., Arlis, S., Sahari, Mardison, & Rani, L. N. (2017). Detection of infiltrate on infant chest X-ray. Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control), 15(4), 1943-1951. doi:10.12928/TELKOMNIKA.v15i4.3163
  4. Na'am, J., Harlan, J., Madenda, S., & Wibowo, E. P. (2017). Image processing of panoramic dental X-ray for identifying proximal caries. Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control), 15(2), 702-708. doi:10.12928/TELKOMNIKA.v15i2.4622
  5. Na’am, J. (2017). Edge detection on objects of medical image with enhancement multiple morphological gradient method. Paper presented at the International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics (EECSI), , 2017-December doi:10.1109/EECSI.2017.8239085 Retrieved from

29>> K. Hussain, M. Mohd Salleh, S. Cheng, & R. Naseem "Common Benchmark Functions for Metaheuristic Evaluation: A Review," JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization, vol. 1, no. 4-2, , pp. 218 - 223, Nov. 2017.

Cited By (Scopus Documents) :

  1. Ikeda, S., & Ooka, R. (2019). Application of differential evolution-based constrained optimization methods to district energy optimization and comparison with dynamic programming. Applied Energy, 254 doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.113670
  2. Morales-Castañeda, B., Zaldívar, D., Cuevas, E., Maciel-Castillo, O., Aranguren, I., & Fausto, F. (2019). An improved simulated annealing algorithm based on ancient metallurgy techniques. Applied Soft Computing Journal, 84 doi:10.1016/j.asoc.2019.105761
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