Batik Classification Using Convolutional Neural Network with Data Improvements

Dewa Gede Meranggi - Department of Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Computer Science, Brawijaya University, Malang, East Java, 65145, Indonesia
Novanto Yudistira - Department of Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Computer Science, Brawijaya University, Malang, East Java, 65145, Indonesia
Yuita Arum Sari - Department of Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Computer Science, Brawijaya University, Malang, East Java, 65145, Indonesia

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Batik is one of the Indonesian cultures that UNESCO has recognized. Batik has a variety of unique and distinctive patterns that reflect the area of origin of the batik motif. Batik motifs usually have a 'core motif' printed repeatedly on the fabric. The entry of digitization makes batik motif designs more diverse and unique. However, with so many batik motifs spread on the internet, it is difficult for ordinary people to recognize the types of batik motifs. This makes an automatic classification of batik motifs must continue to be developed. Automation of batik motif classification can be assisted with artificial intelligence. Machine learning and deep learning have produced much good performance in image recognition. In this study, we use deep learning based on a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to automate the classification of batik motifs. There are two datasets used in this study. The old dataset comes from a public repository with 598 data with five types of motifs. Meanwhile, the new dataset updates the old dataset by replacing the anomalous data in the old dataset with 621 data with five types of motifs. The lereng motif is changed to pisanbali due to the difficulty of obtaining the lereng motif. Each dataset was divided into three ways: original, balance patch, and patch. We used ResNet-18 architecture, which used a pre-trained model to shorten the training time. The best test results were obtained in the new dataset with the patch way of 88.88 % ±0.88, and in the old dataset, the best accuracy was found in the patch way on the test data of 66.14 % ±3.7. The data augmentation in this study did not significantly affect the accuracy because the most significant increase in accuracy is only up to 1.22%.


Batik; batik classification; deep learning; resnet; cnn.

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