Hierarchical and K-means Clustering in the Line Drawing Data Shape Using Procrustes Analysis

Ridho Ananda - Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Design, Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto, Purwokerto, 53147, Indonesia
Agi Prasetiadi - Faculty of Informatic, Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto, Purwokerto, 53147, Indonesia

Citation Format:

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30630/joiv.5.3.532


One of the problems in the clustering process is that the objects under inquiry are multivariate measures containing geometrical information that requires shape clustering. Because Procrustes is a technique to obtaining the similarity measure of two shapes, it can become the solution. Therefore, this paper tried to use Procrustes as the main process in the clustering method. Several algorithms proposed for the shape clustering process using Procrustes were namely hierarchical the goodness-of-fit of Procrustes (HGoFP), k-means the goodness-of-fit of Procrustes (KMGoFP), hierarchical ordinary Procrustes analysis (HOPA), and k-means ordinary Procrustes analysis (KMOPA). Those algorithms were evaluated using Rand index, Jaccard index, F-measure, and Purity. Data used was the line drawing dataset that consisted of 180 drawings classified into six clusters. The results showed that the HGoFP, KMGoFP, HOPA and KMOPA algorithms were good enough in Rand index, F-measure, and Purity with 0.697 as a minimum value. Meanwhile, the good clustering results in the Jaccard index were only the HGoFP, KMGoFP, and HOPA algorithms with 0.561 as a minimum value. KMGoFP has the worst result in the Jaccard index that is about 0.300. In the time complexity, the fastest algorithm is the HGoFP algorithm; the time complexity is 4.733. Based on the results, the algorithms proposed in this paper particularly deserve to be proposed as new algorithms to cluster the objects in the line drawing dataset. Then, the HGoFP is suggested clustering the objects in the dataset used.


Hierarchical; K-means; clustering; data shape; Procrustes.

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